Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The "Gatorade Drinking, Jerking Off" Man

I met who I initially call Gatorade for a brief lunch date. He seemed nice and was a good looking guy so when he asked to see me again I was looking forward to it. The second date, if you can call it that, was at the park near my work. It was the first really nice day we had coming out of winter and heading into spring, so the park was a great place to spend my lunch hour. I met Gatorade around noon and he had just that, a Gatorade bottle with him. Now on our lunch date he had ordered a grey goose and pineapple so when he took a sip of his "Gatorade" I smelled pineapple juice instead of the sports drink. Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened next. I said to him "Wow you must really like pineapple juice" to which he gave me a smirk. I then asked "Is there vodka in there?" and he replies “Yes.” Ok, I don't want to sound super uptight here but who in the hell at 39 years old brings a mixed drink in a Gatorade bottle to the park at lunch time? I mean come on now that's not even legal! Needless to say I saw this huge red flag being waved right in front of my face but decided to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, I mean maybe he was just really nervous and needed some social lubrication.

Fast forward to date number four with Gatorade. He comes to my place and within two minutes of being in my home takes the remote and puts on golf. Now he didn't even ask for the remote, he just found it, changed the channel and sat his golf-loving ass down on my couch. I opened the bottle of wine he brought and gave him a glass. We sat there in silence, except for the brief moment where he opened his mouth to criticize the half sleeve tattoo I had been working on. So within ten minutes he was already on strike number two. We left after golf was over and walked to the restaurant. The conversation consisted of me telling him he comes off like an asshole and him agreeing, but that's just “who he is” he says.

We get to the restaurant and the fucker eats all the delicious bread and oil they bring us, not even allowing me to get some. Rule number one with me; share your God damn food! Gatorade isn't much of a talker, and instead of sitting in silence I decide to try and make conversation.  Now we all have the “in case of emergency” questions we go for when a date is going bad, so I pull out the "What hobbies do you have other than golf?" He looked at me with a look of sheer annoyance and replies "My hobbies are golfing, working out and jerking off." And this is where Gatorade turned into Mr. Jerking Off man.

Now anyone who knows me knows my face tells it all, and the look on my face was pure "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" to which he replies "I don't like when people ask me stupid questions." Well genius, how in hell are you supposed to get to know someone unless you ask questions?!?!

What I love most about telling this story is how all of my girlfriends said I should have walked out right then and there. Or they would have thrown their glass of water in his face. Yeah sure, this coming from a bunch of married women who have not a clue what goes on in the dating world. What was I to do? His car was parked at my house! So I did what I do best, ate. The food was fabulous and when he tried to get a taste of mine I practically stabbed the jerk off with my fork. Hell no was I sharing!

When dinner was over it had gotten tad cold out but Mr. Jerking Off did exactly what a jerk off would do...wrapped his jacket around his body instead of offering it to me. Can't say I wasn't surprised. When we got back to my place I politely tried to hand him his bottle of wine, in which he told me to keep it for the next time he was over. Yeah right like he’s getting another invite over.

The thing about this jerk off is he really didn’t have a clue he had done anything wrong. After that night he continually text messaged me for another date. When I finally replied and told him that frankly I thought he was a jerk off, he LOL’d and said he was just kidding when he said that. Then a few texts later he asked me what I was wearing. Guess Mr. Jerking Off wanted to do just that, come on now, it is one of his hobbies.

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